Friday, September 5, 2008

June 28 2008

These are two of my favorite snaps of our son from a birthday party June 2008 taken with a point and shoot fujifilm camera. I love his expressions and how he's asking with his eyes if it's okay to eat the cupcake. :-D

Thursday, September 4, 2008

two sweet southern honeys

We recently took a quick trip to Alabama where I (Sheva) am from. I spent a while at my cousins house and wanted to share these two pics of these two sweet honeys.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

maternity august 29th

This next session I want to share is very special indeed. She had a vision in a dream for her 'perfect maternity shot' with her husband (photo she envisioned is not below). She booked the session 2 weeks before their sons due date, and we just barely made it in time! They came over on Friday night and she went into labor the very next morning. Here are some of my favorite belly shots from that session. Once I speak with her I will find out her favorite and post that as well! For now I'll share a few of these belly shots only :D
I am truely looking forward to the newborn session with their new baby boy Bryson!

first post - finally

After having a Blogspot since the SPRING, I am finally adding my first post. I would like to go ahead and update for the past couple sessions while I'm at it. This will be my starting point. These posts will primarily come from me (sheva) although the site is representing work from both my husband (louie) and myself! Although we are not always both present for a photo session we are a photography team & we work together on each photoshoot in one way or another from the first snap to the final edit! We both have a vision for our work and love combining our creativity.

We have a new friend that we have met through photography. She and her son have been coming to us monthly since her first appointment when he was 5 mos old so that we can 'document' his growth and phases during the first year! Her son is so adorable and always a pleasure to work with. It has been a joy to watch him grow in the 5 months we have known him. She tells us she loves the natural captures that we get of her and her son.

Here are some images from the most recent session with them!

These next shots were completely Louie's idea and I puzzled them together into this collage. It captures this time where he keeps trying to escape from mom and explore! Every mom has grabbed for their childs legs like this at some point in time. Come back here, we are trying to take a picture...hehe. look at how much satisfaction is written on his face while trying to run (crawl) off.

He is sooo adorable. Every month I do a collage similar to the one below for her. This is a combonation of pics that both I and my husband took of them during the August photo session.